What Would You Do If..

Imagine this: You start your workday Monday morning. Waiting for you are updated analytics- Month to date, quarter to date, year to date. Comparisons, trends, highlights. You are not waiting for someone to pull, compile and refresh the information for you. You have live, readable information that you KNOW is solid. You are able to spot immediately items that need attention. You know what area of your business needs focus or which projects are really tracking well. You spend your day in planning for the future based on solid analytics. You and your Team spend time in strategy, process improvement, relationship building and long term planning.

What would you and your Team do if hours everyday were freed up and you did not have to dig through disconnected data points to try to get a complete story of your supply chain? What would you do if you didn’t have to ask already resource constrained people/Teams to extract and compile information for you? What if you and your Team had immediate access to this whenever you needed it? How much time would be saved each day, week, month..? How would your decisions be different? What could’ve been prevented or capitalized on if you had only known sooner? Who would you have hired if you already had this information readily accessible? How much more money could have been used differently, saved or made?

Take a moment to let yourself really think about this: What would you do if you had all the information you need, when you need it?

Now- what is that showing you on your current process, resources used, access to information, decision making ability?

Don’t let access to good analytics prevent your business from being what it should be.


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