
Agile. Creative. Fun. Responsible. These words might not usually describe Supply Chain management, but they're exactly what we believe it can be. We see Operations and Supply Networks as key supporters of a brand’s growth, not barriers.

That's where we come in.

L’Gato brings over 20 years of Supply Chain expertise, with a wealth of experience across different industries and projects. We’re experts at what we do, combining our deep knowledge, tested methods, and an understanding of the unique challenges faced by small to mid-sized businesses. Whether it’s working with large companies with advanced systems or small businesses without any system, we’ve done it all.

The basics stay the same, but the way we solve problems is tailored to each situation.

No more losing customers because of stockouts. No more wasted money on excess stock. No more missing out on great opportunities.

At L'Gato Corporation, our mission is to help your business have a supply chain that’s agile, creative, fun, and responsible. We want to help your business grow and make a positive impact on the world.

Let’s make your Supply Chain support your success, today and in the future.


The inception of L'Gato stemmed from a pivotal moment—a glaring supply chain failure.

While searching for gift bag items on excess inventory sites, it was painfully obvious that vast amounts of resources had been invested in products destined for landfills.

This was a wake-up call..

As a Supply Chain professional who spent the last 20+ years strategizing how to get the “right amount of inventory to the right place at the right time”, the sheer volume of deadstock being sold was- quite frankly- terrifying.

I realized I was in a position to help.

Small businesses often sideline supply chain management, prioritizing marketing, sales, and development instead. Expertise in supply chain is crucial yet typically seen as a costly, hard-to-source luxury.

L'Gato was created to fill this gap, offering immediate, top-tier supply chain support to small and mid-sized, rapidly expanding companies.